About Me

My name is Bryan Dwyer and I am a marketer, or at least I aspire to be.  I’m a student in my fourth year of a Bachelor of Business Administration in Marketing Communications Management.

In July of 2007, I met what I consider my first true professional challenge – I was promoted to Store Manager for a store that desperately needed a leader. In meeting this challenge I moved from being a soft-spoken introvert to what my regional manager described as “an advanced leader with high relationship and social intelligence”. The process of becoming the leader I needed to be ignited my drive for ongoing self-development. This new drive led to my return to school; Seth Godin’s All Marketers Are Liars was the book that led me to marketing.

To quote Seth Godin, all marketers are liars; all marketers are storytellers; we all are. Stories are how we connect and share. They are how we shape and make sense of the world around us. They are how we convey meaning and truth. They are also how we manipulate, cheat, usurp, deceive, and otherwise injure those around us. Telling an organization’s or product’s story carries with it consequence and responsibility. Marketing is about more than selling. Companies have a responsibility to society, and the stories they tell share in that responsibility.

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